Massage therapy benefits people of all ages. While it benefits the injured, the ill and the stressed, the strength of massage therapy in preventing illness and conditions before they develop cannot be overlooked. Massage therapy can be used in the treatment of both acute and chronic stages and conditions. Here are just a few reasons why massage is so beneficial to your overall health and well-being.

We offer the highest quality of care to our clients. We are friendly, knowledgeable and care about all aspects of your treatment. We customize each treatment to meet your specific needs by incorporating a variety of assessment and treatment techniques that are best suited to you. As part of our service, we will provide you with knowledge of self-administered pain management techniques including stretching and strengthening exercises and heat or cold therapy.

Massage Benefits:
Increase performance / Strengthen Immune System / Eliminate Fatigue / Mood Improvement / Circulation Improvement / Reduced Blood Pressure / Injury Prevention / Improved Skin Tone / Enhanced Muscle Tone / Relieved Muscle Tension / Stress Relief / Speed up of Healing / Improved Recovery Time / Increased Flexibility / Improved Sleep
Acupuncture Benefits:
What information will I need to provide? Why?
Name / Address / Email / Phone Number / Emergency Contact Info / Health History / Medications / Insurance Policy Information
We collect this information from clients to ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff and clients. Health and medication information is to ensure that your RMT is sure of any and all health conditions and can make sure you are a good candidate for the treatment. Contraindications are medical conditions where we cannot treat a patient with massage without physician clearance. Typically contraindicating conditions are circulatory or infectious. If you have a medical condition and want to know if you are still a good candidate for massage please call the clinic for assistance.